Thanks to you my beloved got to be, as he thought, HOME. Ican’t thank you enough for your overly kind gesture, of your hospital payingfor his ambulance ride to Laurel. NO one in the world would care about theirpatients the way your hospital does. God Bless YOU! My husband arrived at FCMHon May 1st. We were treated like royalty. I hate to say this but, I felt like Iwas on vacation. Laying around, watching DVD’s and TV all day and having all mydelicious meals cooked and I didn’t have to wash the dishes. I could havecoffee and tea anytime of the day, or a nice shower and be able to wash myclothes. It was great! My friends got so tired of me telling them about this,it came across as bragging! Your nurses were so kind and helpful. I should havewritten their names down, because we did have our favorites; one is Amanda.
The CAN’s always cheered him up with their comments; one was Angel. He loved thePhysical; Justine was one and the Occupational and Speech therapists, they weresuch great cheer leaders with great personalities. The respiratory nurses, werealways kind, polite and caring. We h ad our favorites there too; among themVickie and Billy. We just praise God for Daniel for approving John to comethere. A real God send! We just felt like we were among family at Franklin.They did the little things to help us make it through our rough days. Onemorning while I was walking, a Physical therapist stopped by with her kids inthe car on their way to day care; so that I could see them. They told mestories of their families. Dr. Estes was wonderful too. The doctor (I can’tremember his name either) that gave me the key to the Methodist Church’sparsonage to use, whenever I needed a break. That was a God send also. I know Imust be one of God’s favorites!! The activity lady, having his hair cut andgiving him a shave after (4) months. This made my husband feel so much better.He just felt so loved there.
I just can’t forget your precious receptionist.The first sweet face you see when you come in the front door. She was sohelpful to me. She just made my day. “God is Good!!!” Thank you so very much!!!Because of the caring and friendly people there, after only the first weekthere, my husband told me to look around the house for sale there in Meadville.He said we could sell our house in Laurel, to our son and move there. The Townwas small, we could walk anywhere we needed to go. The people were so nice andfriendly, he’d already met the Baptist minister, and he knew Jim and Becky Nix,his friends from Laurel years ago. He said that was the way his home town ofColumbia was when he was growing up and he loved it. FCMH was truly a God sendand I cried when we had to leave you. I wish I had plenty of money where I wasable to donate, I would surely remember FCMH!!! God Bless FCMH!!! CynthiaRhoden