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Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance Information

Financial Assistance Program (Summary)

Franklin County Memorial Hospital serves the medical needs of the community, regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, handicap, age, ability to pay, or any other classification or characteristic.

We recognize the need to provide care to the sick that do not have the ability to pay. Patients who meet the requirements o four Financial Assistance Program can receive medically necessary healthcare services at a significantly reduced cost, based on verified financial need.  Franklin County Memorial Hospital understands and honors the need to maintain the dignity of the patient and family during the application process.

Patients who identify themselves as unable to pay all or a part of their medical care have the right to request financial assistance. An application process is consistently followed to determine if patients meet the requirements of the Financial Assistance Program. Financial assistance is not considered a substitute for personal responsibility.  Patients are expected to cooperate with Franklin County Memorial Hospital's procedures and fulfill the documentation requirements needed to qualify for the assistance program. In addition, patients are expected to contribute to the cost of their care based on their ability to pay. Individuals who have the financial ability are encouraged to purchase insurance to ensure access to future healthcare services, protect their overall health and protect their assets.

Do I qualify?

Although other factors, such as bankruptcy, catastrophic healthcare expenses, household assets, etc., are sometimes considered, the primary qualification for financial assistance is household size and household income, compared to the annually adjusted federal poverty line. A household consists of head of household, spouse and all“dependents” as defined by federal IRS guidelines.

What Next?

Proceed to the bottom of the page to print our Assistance Application. Once completed return the form and all required documents to :

Franklin County Memorial Hospital

Attn:  Mrs. Keryn Emfinger

P. O. Box 636

Meadville, MS  39653


If you have any further questions, contact our Business Office at 601-384-2273.